qlcMatrix 0.10
- adding support for ngrams for n > 2 in splitStrings. this opens up the possibility to use larger ngrams in sim.strings, sim.lang and sim.wordlist
- splitStrings now only gives ngrams as output, not unigrams and bigrams as before
- adding global options "" and "qlcMatrix.locale" for package defaults that might in some special cases be changed by a user.
- more cleanup of unnecessary nMatrix to dMatrix conversions
qlcMatrix 0.9.8 (2024-05-08)
- corrected behavior of multiplying two nMatrices in accordance with the corrected implementation from the Matrix package using %&% instead of %*%
- various minor corrections for CRAN compliancy.
qlcMatrix 0.9.7 (2018-04-20)
- adding experimental distSparse function
- adding option to pass arguments from sim.obs and sim.att to splitTable
- adding option to pass arguments from sim.strings to splitStrings
- changed internal gap symbol in pwMatrix and splitStrings to \u2043
- adding dimRed() function for sparse dimensionality Reduction based on Cholesky()
- adding normalized Laplacian norm 'normL' for cosSparse
- removed outdated links
- replacing rBind/cBind with rbind/cbind as of R 3.2
- corrected names of rKhatriRao for the complete symmetric case
qlcMatrix 0.9.6
- adding commandline execs
- importing docopt
qlcMatrix 0.9.5 (2015-10-09)
- finally adding a NEWS list
adding some first sparse array functionality, building on spam
- adding unfold() to unfold sparse arrays to matrices
- rename earlier unfold() to unfoldBlockMatrix()
- adding as.Matrix() to link spam to Matrix
- proposing Array() and sparseArray() as function names
- ttMatrix now gives NULL when vector is completely NA
qlcMatrix 0.9.4 (2015-04-27)
- no NEWS documented until here